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What Am I Supposed To Do? 

Updated: Jan 5, 2020

Yes, I know. In my last post I never actually said what it was Higher Power kept telling me to do.

No, I did not do that on purpose to hook you into scheduling an appointment with me. (Though to be honest, I could use the money, and you would LOVE the results!)

I am just a natural airhead.

So here's some guidance for 2020

1. Wake up and Pray. Yes, pray. I don't care who or what you pray to. Just know that a loving Higher Power wants what is best for you. Ask it for help. Even a simple utterance of, "Help Me!" is enough.

2. Read something Inspiring. Whatever it is, it doesn't matter. Even if your eyes scroll down the page and you can't remember it 10 seconds later. Put your mind to work on that which is Spiritual. If you're in 12 Step, every program has a daily reader. If you're in a Church, most have a monthly publication. If you don't know where to start - I wrote a book! Ok, kidding (sort of). Just look around, the right book will find you.

3. Attend the Group. If, like me, you are in 12 Step Recovery, you know that meetings are one of the most important pieces to our Recovery. We cannot, do any of this alone. Whether the meeting is in person, by phone, or via text - it's worth going. If you are not 12 Step, seek out a group that might be for you. Like the book, look for something inspiring with people seeking what you are seeking. (Perhaps one day soon, I will provide a group for everyone who is seeking my message).

4. Call Someone. This was certainly the hardest thing I had to do over the last few days. That phone is 1000lbs of EGO trying to squash me. I called two strangers I met in meetings. I told them what I was struggling with. My Higher Power spoke through them (whether they knew it or not). Then I reached out to someone I knew was also hurting. Together we talked, together we shared Spiritual Inspiration, and together we began to feel better and ready to get through the rest of the day.

5. Meditate, Journal, and Pray!

Over and over again the people I heard told me that DAILY Meditation was the single more important key to their recovery. I love Meditation, I do it weekly; but daily? Oh goodness NO!

"F*ck it. Quit."


Yes, daily. 5 to 10 minutes. I just need to do it. Whether I like it or not, whether I do it well or not. I absolutely MUST take the time to sit quietly and connect with Spirit. There is no other way to reap the benefits of healing.

Journaling is another thing I hate! I resent it. Too much analyzing, diving, looking at myself. It's something I tell my Sponsees to avoid doing lest they become distracted by psycho analysis vs. Spiritual Practice. Eventually though, there comes a point (and that point for me is right now in 2020) where my Spiritual Practice needs to be drawn on paper. I started taking notes. Writing the things I was hearing. Doodling. I have committed and we shall see how it adds to my overall Healing.

And of course, the end of the day must close with prayer. Even the single utterance of, "thanks" is enough. If I cannot end my day with Gratitude, how can I expect to continue Healing?

Here are some notes I took from a wonderful 12 Step Speaker I found on YouTube - here is the link.

Her story was so touching and so close to mine.

It's what finally pushed me over to write these posts and say, "Ok God, I'm listening. I'm going to do the deal."

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