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It's 2020! 

Yes, it's a new year and it is time to start embarking on a life worth living!

I realized recently that I still hadn't met my purest self and began living my fullest life. Mind you, I believe this is an ever evolving staircase of growth and the journey IS the destination.

Although I have overcome so much in my life, there is still that voice. Oh, YOU KNOW THE VOICE! The one that is chanting in the background:

"F*ck it! Quit!

F*ck it! Quit!

F*ck it already!"

I refuse to claim this voice - but it sure is persistent. I may have spent the beginning of 2020 entertaining that voice - but I know I have a responsibility, not to defeat it, but to HEAL it.

Over and over, God kept giving me the answer.

Yes, God speaks to me - if this shocks you, you must be new.

First I went to a meeting and heard a speaker. She listed the things I need to do.

Then I attended a 12 hour phone conference. They listed the things I need to do.

Then I cried for about 2 days straight.

I contacted some of the people, and they told me what they did. Things I probably need to do.

Then I listened to another speaker and finally said,

"Ok, God! I will do this sh!t!"

If you're like me, even if you've been doing all the right things - you can relate. We encounter a regular resistance (and even resentment) against doing these things. This simple, HEALING, things.

I have dedicated my life not just to healing me (and boy do I keep healing me!) but to helping others Heal too.

If you're ready. I am only a message away.

If not, stick around and pay attention to my website. I'll be blogging and sharing my message as often as I can.

With Love,

Iris Laflamme

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